Case of the Month: November 2024

Clinical history

A 6-year-old girl is brought to the emergency room by her parents. She has developed a painless swelling on her left thigh that has gradually increased in size over the past two months. Initially, her parents thought it was a bruise or injury from playing, but the swelling became progressively larger and more firm. Recently, she has experienced some difficulty walking and now has a noticeable limp.

On examination, her temperature is 37.5°C, blood pressure 105/70 mmHg, heart rate 105 beats per minute, and respiratory rate 20 per minute. There is a firm, non-tender mass in her left lateral thigh, measuring approximately 6 cm in diameter. The overlying skin is mildly erythematous, but there is no evidence of warmth. On neurological examination, there are no signs of weakness, but she has a reduced range of motion in her left hip due to the mass.

A CT scan confirms the presence of a large heterogenous mass in the left thigh, without evidence of lymph node involvement or distant metastasis. A biopsy is taken and sent to pathology.


  • What are three (3) differential diagnoses for a small round blue cell tumour involving the bone or soft tissue in the pediatric population?
  • What are four (4) immunohistochemical stains you could use to assess this lesion?
  • Why are molecular studies (e.g. looking for specific gene fusions or mutations) often important in pediatric malignancies?

How to participate

Take a look at the images.

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Laboratory Medicine and the study of disease for medical students

Medical students in the gross lab