We are a group of volunteers with laboratory expertise working across various hospital sites.
Our work towards harmonizing clinical laboratories’ quality systems is a community effort across the Greater Toronto Area and beyond.
You can get involved in several ways.
Join our mailing list to keep up to date with projects and contribute to the conversations by joining our events.
You will have the opportunity to debate and contribute to the guidelines the Council produces.
The LMP Quality Council is open to more voices.
Working groups usually meet monthly to discuss progress with individual assignments in between.
Contact Dr. Khosrow Adeli if you would like to join the council.
We are running several projects to improve patient care.
If an area particularly interests you, contact the taskforce leader on the relevant project page to ask how you can get involved.
Our work is dependent on the sharing of data between laboratories.
Publication of data is done in aggregate to protect the identity of individual participating laboratories.
Contact the relevant project taskforce if you would like to share your data.