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Master of Health Science (MHSc) in Laboratory Medicine
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Program overview and courses
- LMP2000: Cell and Molecular Biology
- LMP2001H: Biomedical Research Methods
- LMP2002H: Clinical Laboratory Management
- LMP2003H: Biomedical Ethics
- LMP2005Y: Capstone Research Project
- LMP2006H: Research/Reading Course for PA Students
- LMP2200H: Basic Principles in Human Pathobiology and Pathophysiology
- LMP2201H: Anatomy and Pathology of Organ Systems
- LMP 2202H: Practicum in Surgical Pathology l
- LMP2203H: Practicum in Surgical Pathology II
- LMP2203H: Practicum in Surgical Pathology III
- LMP2204H: Practicum in Surgical Pathology IV
- LMP2205H: Practicum in Surgical Pathology IV
- LMP2206H: Practicum in Adult Medical / Hospital Autopsy
- LMP2207H: Practicum in Forensic Pathology
- LMP2208H: The Science of Biobanking
- LMP2209H: Practicum in Surgical Pathology V
- LMP2210H: Practicum in Surgical Pathology Vl
- LMP2211H: Advanced Anatomy Dissection
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- Master of Health Science (MHSc) in Laboratory Medicine
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- LMP2200H: Basic Principles in Human Pathobiology and Pathophysiology
LMP2200H: Basic Principles in Human Pathobiology and Pathophysiology
For Pathologists' Assistant students in the MHsc in Laboratory Medicine program.
This is a 0.5 FCE course delivered by a team of basic science and clinical specialists.
The purpose of this course is to provide you with an understanding of the basic/fundamental cellular processes that underlie the practice of the Pathologists’ Assistant.
Optimum performance of the grossing skill sets that are learned later in the program and are essential to the PA practice are best performed by understanding the basic principles of the pathogenesis of human disease.
When a PA sees the gross tissue manifestation of disease, they will understand the cell and molecular mechanisms that are operating to produce the gross and microscopic findings in human disease.
Format of sessions:
- Faculty lecture (120 minutes including breaks)
- 10 minute break
- Assigned student presentation or faculty research presentation (20 minutes)
- Discussions (10 minutes)
Fundamental cellular and tissue processes will be presented in each lecture, most being common to many human diseases (to be explored in more detail in a subsequent course: LMP2201H), that regulate normal human biology, pathobiology and pathophysiology (often referred to as “General Pathobiology”). The material will focus on pathogenesis through understanding the embryology, histopathology and the cell and molecular changes that initiate and regulate those processes that determine health and disease.
You will learn definitions and concepts of pathogenesis. Clinical conditions will be used to illustrate these fundamental processes in the context of human disease.
The research presentations and discussions are meant to provide you with the ability to do a more in-depth analysis of a specific process associated with the material presented in the lecture and to show how biomedical research advances our knowledge and clinical laboratory healthcare.
Course instructors
Dr. Doug Templeton (
Dr. Aaron Pollett (
Dr. Susan Poutanen (
Dr. Elena Greenfeld (
Dr. Sonya MacParland (