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Christopher Ball
There is potential for interesting knowledge creation through inter-disciplinary research at the crossroads of anatomic pathology and mechanical engineering, where human pathophysiology and Newtonian physics overlap.
Recent Publications
Selected list of publications:
C.G. Ball, J.C. Herath. Earth, air, water, and fire: Histopathology of Environmental Death. Academic Forensic Pathology. 2018 August; 8(3): 641-652.
I. Babic, Z.M. Ferraro, K. Garbedian, A. Oulette, C.G. Ball, F. Moretti, A. Gruslin. Intraplacental artery resistance indices and identification of placenta mediated diseases. Journal of Perinatology. 2015 October; 35(10): 793-798.
C.G. Ball, J.P. Veinot. Overview of technological development, complications, and grossing techniques in percutaneous coronary intervention. Academic Forensic Pathology. 2015 June; 5(2): 240-253.
F. Secretain, A. Pollard, M. Uddin, C.G. Ball, A. Hamilton, R.C. Tanzola, J.B. Thorbe, B. Milne. A novel software program for detection of potential air emboli during cardiac surgery. Cardiovascular Ultrasound. 2015 January; 13(3).
A. Pollard, M. Uddin, A-M Shinneeb, C.G. Ball. Recent advances and key challenges associated with the flow inside the human oro-pharyngeal-laryngeal airway. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics. 2012 May; 26(6-8): 363-381.
C.G. Ball, H. Fellouah, A. Pollard. The flow field in turbulent round free jets. Progress in Aerospace Sciences. 2012 April; 50: 1-26.
H. Fellouah, C.G. Ball, A. Pollard. Reynolds number effects within the development region of a turbulent round free jet. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2009 August; 52(17-18): 3943-3954.
C.G. Ball, M. Uddin, A. Pollard. High resolution turbulence modelling of airflow in an idealized human extra-thoracic airway. Computers and Fluids. 2008 September; 37(8): 943-964.
C.G. Ball, M. Uddin, A. Pollard. Mean flow structures inside the human upper airway. Flow, Turbulence, and Combustion. 2008 June; 81(1-2): 155-188.